Third Annual national Climate Awards open

Third Annual national Climate Awards open

LOCAL GOVERNMENTS will vie for top honours in the Climate Council’s Cities Power Partnership’s annual National Climate Awards, which open for submissions today. The Climate Awards, now open for entries, recognise the unsung work of climate heroes in local governments...
New partnership to contribute to a more sustainable City

New partnership to contribute to a more sustainable City

The City has joined the Cities Power Partnership (CPP) to help it transition to renewable energy and achieve ambitious carbon reduction targets set out in the recently-endorsed Carbon Reduction Plan. CPP is Australia’s largest local government climate network and will...
National climate summit postponed

National climate summit postponed

The Cities Power Partnership will postpone its national climate summit, Transforming Australia 2020, in the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Cities Power Partnership director, David Craven said the summit would still be held in Noosa, however postponed until...
Hacking Net Zero Communities

Hacking Net Zero Communities

What do you get when you combine golf balls, egg cartons and a whole lot of sticky notes? Innovative solutions to accelerate the transition to zero carbon communities in Australia, of course! Leading Victorian councils joined forces to leverage design thinking and...
National climate summit postponed

Noosa to host major national climate summit

NOOSA COUNCIL has been selected as the host for a major national climate summit taking place in October 2020. Transforming Australia 2020, run by the Cities Power Partnership, Australia’s largest local government climate alliance, will draw together council, industry...