Climate Summit for Local Government

Sept 6-8, 2023 | Melbourne

Council Connect

Our new online collaboration platform, Council Connect, is here.

Council Connect supercharges our network of over 175 local governments to instantly connect and share knowledge, create opportunities to collaborate and put your climate and energy questions to the brains trust of Australia’s largest climate network.


Check out this short video to learn more about Council Connect.

Hosted by Microsoft Teams, Council Connect provides a secure and trusted platform for all your climate discussions, questions, case studies and collaboration opportunities. 

As a brand new platform, we look forward to your feedback and suggestions so that Council Connect can improve and evolve into the powerful collaboration tool we hope it will be. We appreciate your patience as inevitable teething issues come up.

Here’s how to get involved with our brand new platform:

1. Read this quick guide to Council Connect.

2. Watch the Introductory Video here.

3. Register for access here.                                                        

4. Login to Council Connect by clicking here, using your council email address and existing Office 365 password. If this doesn’t work, please click here.

5. Complete the participation checklist to get a better understanding of the ins and outs of the platform.

6. Continue engaging with your fellow Cities Power Partnership members through Council Connect!

If you’d like access to Council Connect, click here to register, or for existing users click here to login.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please fill out this form, and Microsoft partner ONGC will be in touch with you directly with assistance.

Please contact with any further questions or feedback.

We look forward to connecting with you all!