This article originally appeared in the Penrith City Gazette. To view the article click here. Penrith City Council has joined more than 30 councils around Australia to tackle climate change. The Climate Council’s Cities Power Partnership program aims to slash...
To view the full Goulburn Town & Country article click here REPRESENTATIVES from 35 councils around the country gathered in Canberra on Thursday to launch the Cities Power Partnership. The Yass Valley Council, the Bega Valley Council, the Eurobodalla Shire Council...
For a full copy of the PS news article click HERE The ACT has entered a partnership with 35 other regional cities and councils around Australia to decrease their carbon emissions and prevent further impacts of climate change. Minister for Climate Change and...
For a full version of the Town & Country magazine article click HERE Representatives from 35 councils around the country gathered in Canberra on Thursday to launch the Cities Power Partnership. The Yass Valley Council, the Bega Valley Council, the Eurobodalla...