Our journey
In 2015, almost 900 street lights were upgraded from the old mercury vapour style lighting to 18 watt LEDs. The new lights are up to 75% more efficient and save 308 tCO2e each year. Prospective developers are now required to install highly efficient ‘category P’ lighting. Council is now pursuing the retrofit of 342 non- LED lights on major roads which, if successful, will deliver an additional 1,780 tCO2-e over the next 20 years.
Council has a strong track record of delivering solar PV on the rooftops of its facilities. With 158kW generation capacity currently installed across 25 Council owned buildings, this supplied 38% of the Council’s 2018 energy consumption. There is a further 15kW planned in for this financial year.
Mount Alexander Shire Council is one of 43 Victorian regional Councils partnering on a feasibility study, Charging the Regions, that will enable Councils to understand the opportunities for a joint investment program for a dense and coordinated network of electric vehicle charging across the state. Council will be reviewing and updating the 2010 – 2020 Cycling and Walking Strategy this financial year. The revised document will be an innovative guide that identifies why, where and how Council will invest in encouraging and increasing the number and proportion of people in the shire who regularly walk and/or ride bicycles for transport and recreation.