Climate Summit for Local Government

Sept 6-8, 2023 | Melbourne

Dubbo Regional Council's climate and sustainability commitments

Dubbo Regional Council is part of the Cities Power Partnership, Australia's largest network of councils leading the way to a sustainable future

  • Traditional Owners Tubbagah People
  • Member since 2020
  • Population 54,195
Feature_icon_1 / Renewable energy


renewable energy for council by 2025

Our journey

What council has achieved in the past in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport or broader sustainability

A number of previous energy studies and plans have been developed for Dubbo Regional Council, including the 2014 Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan for the former Dubbo City Council, the 2012 Distributed Energy Plan for the former Dubbo City Council, the 2012 Distributed Energy Plan for Central NSW Councils, and Dubbo ALIVE 2009-2013. The recently adopted Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan will build upon the energy efficiency and renewable initiatives implemented under these studies and plans including:

  • Electricity and emissions monitoring – E21 software
  • Energy audits – 20 Council facilities
  • Energy efficiency projects – 10 projects since 2014 including lighting and air conditioning upgrades, ceiling insulation, skylights, replacement hot water systems, lighting timers and sensors
  • Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies
  • Solar PV systems – 16 facilities, including solar installations at the Western Plains Cultural Centre (70kW), Hawthorne Street Depot (20 kW), and Barden Park (12 kW)
  • Monitoring of solar energy production – e.g. Western Plains Cultural Centre & Dubbo Macquarie Regional Library using Sunny Portal
  • Hybrid vehicles within small fleet
  • Annual Dubbo Sustainable City Expo and Science Festival – community education
  • Hosting of NRMA and Tesla EV charging stations at the Western Plains Cultural Centre in 2019

What council hopes to achieve in the future in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport or broader sustainability

On 24 February 2020 Dubbo Regional Council adopted an Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan 2020 – 2025 for its operations with the vision of becoming a leader in regional New South Wales in the reduction of energy consumption, increased energy efficiency and the continued adaptation to and use of renewable energy. The Strategy and Implementation Plan includes four key strategy areas with the following goals:

  1. Energy Efficiency – Council implements energy efficiency practices and improvements across its activities and operations.
  2. Renewable Energy – Council obtains 50% of its predicted electricity consumption* by 2025 from renewables, directly or by purchasing renewable energy.
  3. Sustainable Transport – Council plans for, and begins to transition to, a zero emissions fleet by 2025.
  4. Supporting Energy Smart Communities – The community is supported in becoming energy smart and ultimately adopts energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable transport practices.

Council’s requirements for the development of an Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan had arisen from its 2040 Community Strategic Plan (CSP) which states under Strategy that an energy strategy is to be prepared for Council facilities and buildings by the Division of Planning and Environment. Additional CSP strategies supporting the development of the Strategy and Implementation Plan include: 2.1 Opportunities for use of renewable energy are increased and 5.9 Environmental sustainability is a priority.

What council hopes to gain from being a member of the Cities Power Partnership

In becoming a member of the Cities Power Partnership it is hoped that Council will obtain further support and encouragement to achieve its vision and goals as outlined within its recently adopted Energy Strategy & Implementation Plan 2020 – 2025, accelerating the Dubbo Region into a renewable energy future.


Council has committed to the following Cities Power Partnership pledges:

Renewable energy
Install renewable energy (solar PV and battery storage) on council buildings.
Power council operations by renewable energy, and set targets to increase the level of renewable power for council operations over time.
Create a revolving green energy fund to finance renewable energy projects.
Energy Efficiency
Adopt best practice energy efficiency measures across all council buildings, and support community facilities to adopt these measures.
Roll out energy efficient lighting across the municipality.

In the news

Media Release

Mayors commit to clean, local jobs

20 Oct 2020
Over forty mayors and councillors have released a joint statement committing to economic recovery solutions that create jobs and tackle climate change.
Media Release

Dubbo Regional Council outlines plan for renewable energy targets

12 Jun 2020
Dubbo Regional Council is replacing street lights, installing solar panels and introducing hybrid vehicles as it pushes for its new renewable energy targets.

Cities Power Partnership on track, says Nugent

28 Apr 2020
Orange City Council on track cut electricity costs and the city's carbon footprint, as part of the Cities Power Partnership program.

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