Climate Summit for Local Government

Sept 6-8, 2023 | Melbourne


The Cities Power Partnership Knowledge Hub is an online library of hundreds of practical resources to support local government to ramp up renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transport and collaboration.

You can search resources by typing in key words into the search bar (e.g. lighting) or you can scroll through the individual resources which have been categorised into renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainable transport and collaboration.

As well as our Cities Power Partnership resources, you’ll also find information, research and resources from local, state and Federal government, ARENA, Moreland Energy Foundation, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, Community Power Agency, the Bicycle Federation of Australia and many more.

The Knowledge Hub is continually growing and being updated. Let us know if there is a resource you think should be added into the library by emailing

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Please note that some resources are “members only” and will not be visible unless you login

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