Climate Summit for Local Government

Sept 6-8, 2023 | Melbourne

THE City of Swan has decided to join a new program seeking to celebrate and accelerate the emission reduction and clean energy successes of Australian towns and cities. At a July meeting three councillors – Kevin Bailey, David Fardig and Rod Henderson – put forward a motion that the council not participate in the Climate Council’s City Power Partnership program.

They said city staff needed to focus on the provision of local government services and the council had no role in Australia’s carbon and energy policies. But the motion was unsuccessful and the other councilors then voted for the city to join the program.

The cities of Fremantle and Canning have already joined the program while the City of Kalgoorlie Boulder is in the process of doing so and the City of Perth is reviewing its membership. A City Power Partnership information for councils document said participating councils who joined the partnership would have six months to select five key actions from the partnership pledge ranging from renewable energy, efficiency, transport and advocacy.

“Councils will receive access to a national knowledge hub to assist with the implementation of emissions reductions projects and will be buddied with other participating councils to knowledge share,” the document said. “Participants in the partnership will also have exclusive access to domestic and international experts, community energy groups, events with other local leaders and potentially exclusive access to small grants and renewable energy incentives.

“The clean energy successes of councils and their communities will be showcased in print and online media across Australia. “These positive stories will also be shared through our social media platforms to millions of people and celebrated by our community of over 200,000 members and supporters.”

This article first appeared in the Perth Echo  on 5 August 2017
