Climate Summit for Local Government

Sept 6-8, 2023 | Melbourne


Member event

Meet your fellow CPP members & the team – monthly meeting

10 Oct 2022
2:00pm - 3:00pm

Meet your fellow members and the CPP team.

On every second Monday of the month at 2pm AEST, there is a meeting for all new member councils and for any existing councils that have had a staff changeover.

This will be a chance to meet our team, hear a brief overview of the program and to ask any questions. This meeting is also open to any of our current members who want to jump in and say ‘hi’ to the team and the new members.

We would also encourage you to use this monthly opportunity to invite other members of your organisation including elected officials, economic development teams, transport teams etc. to get them on board and accelerate your emissions reductions projects.

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.
