Our journey
What council has achieved in the past in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport or broader sustainability
The Town is committed to the integration of sustainability into its functions, be it energy efficiency, green energy or sustainable transport. Strategically this focus is reflected our major Council-adopted plans, from the Town’s Strategic Community Plan, purchasing policy and the Town’s Environmental Plan 2013-2018.
The Town has Solar-thermal Hot Water systems on our Aqualife facility; retrofit water fittings (taps, cisterns and showerheads) in Aqualife and Leisurelife to reduce water consumption; purchased electric bikes to give our staff a sustainable transport option; and conducted energy audits of some of our facilities high-energy-consuming facilities, including our administration building, Aqualife and Leisurelife.
The Town also purchases green energy (through Landfill Gas and Power) to power seven of the Town’s high consuming facilities, and partners in several sustainability programs, including the Water Quality and Conservation Program; ‘Switch Your Thinking’ program; and Carbon Neutral.
What council hopes to achieve in the future in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport or broader sustainability
The Town’s Strategic Community Plan 2017-2032 sets the direction for where the Town is headed in future years. “We lead in sustainability” is one of the key visions for the Town, with “To promote sustainable, connected, safe and diverse places for everyone” an Environmental Mission. Principally, the Town values cleaner air and healthier lifestyles through the promotion of more sustainable transport and built-form options as a preferred, affordable and accessible choice; and the Town accepts its part of the responsibility to leave a legacy of a cleaner and healthier natural environment. Strategic Outcomes include:
- A safe, interconnected and well-maintained transport network that makes it easy for everyone to get around
- A clean place where everyone knows the value of waste, water and energy
- Appropriate, inviting and sustainable green spaces for everyone that are well-maintained and well managed
- A place with sustainable, safe and convenient transport options for everyone
- Appropriate and sustainable facilities for everyone that are well built, well-maintained and well-managed
What council hopes to gain from being a member of the Cities Power Partnership
Engagement in the Cities Power Partnership will be a mechanism by which the Town will seek to become a leader in sustainability. The Town looks forward to partnering with, and sharing knowledge with other Local Governments who are on a similar journey, tapping into the knowledge pool and opportunities that are available through the Climate Council, so that it can create a cleaner, brighter future for our community.