Climate Summit for Local Government

Sept 6-8, 2023 | Melbourne

Flying in the face of Federal inaction on climate change, a South-Eastern Queensland council has committed to clean energy and emissions reduction. Logan City Council today announced that they will join the Climate Council’s Cities Power Partnership, a national network of local governments committed to tackling climate change.

Climate Council CEO Amanda McKenzie congratulated the council on moving forward on climate change, saying: “The time to act on climate is now – and Logan City is taking up the challenge.”

She continued:  “Queenslanders know that the future for jobs and energy security for their state is in renewables. Climate change is already having an impact on the state, with ocean warming affecting the Great Barrier Reef and the tourist economy. It’s up to trailblazing councils such as Logan City to help their residents transition to a clean energy future.”

Logan City boasts an impressive sustainability track record. In September the council announced that it will partner with Tesla to run a water treatment plant servicing up to 200,000 people powered by solar battery technology.Featuring 323 solar panels and a 95 kilowatt hour battery, the system will supply water 24 hours a day to residents of Flagstone, Yarrabilba, North Maclean, Spring Mountain and Woodhill.

City of Logan Mayor Luke Smith said: “Logan City is proud to be the first South-East Queensland council to join the Cities Power Partnership. It’s important for our residents that we move forward with renewable energy – more than 31,000 Logan households already have solar PV systems, with numbers growing every day.”

He continues: “Councils have it within their power to make the changes that will lead to major reductions in Australia’s emissions, and we’re looking forward to showing other Queensland local governments the way on clean energy.”

Joining the Cities Power Partnership requires councils to commit to five pledges from a range of actions on climate change, from investing in renewables through to reducing transport emissions.

The partnership launched in July 2017 with 35 local governments across Australia, with applications for membership just opened to a further 35 councils. Logan City joins existing QLD council members Douglas Shire, Noosa and Bundaberg.

Amanda McKenzie continues: “Queensland mayors are taking responsibility for transitioning to sustainable energy. This investment in renewables is also addressing the energy-bill stress felt by many Australians by helping them to access cheap, clean, reliable power.”
