Carole Hammond, Sustainability Officer for Strathbogie Shire Council, talks about the wildly successful Bogie Bulk Buy. Famous for Ned Kelly and Black Caviar, Strathbogie Shire in north-eastern Victoria is now becoming celebrated for something not commonly associated...
You shouldn’t have to choose between turning on your heater or paying your power bill. For many of the residents of Strathbogie, this was a very real and difficult decision they were making every day. Power bills were escalating, with people freezing in their homes in...
Strathbogie Shire Council has hit week 15 of the 12-month Bogie Bulk Buy solar program. In more than three months, a total of 392kW of solar panelling has been installed, or is scheduled to be installed. This will see an estimated 18734tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided...
STRATHBOGIE Shire Council has hit week 15 of the 12 month ‘Bogie Bulk Buy’ solar program and uptake in the Shire has been extraordinary. In just over three months the community-Council partnership has installed, or is scheduled to install 392kW of solar; with uptake...
Famous for Ned Kelly and Black Caviar, Strathbogie Shire in north-east Victoria is now becoming celebrated for something not commonly associated with an unassuming rural community. Many Strathbogie residents experience energy poverty and stress, so this winter’s cold...