Climate Summit for Local Government

Sept 6-8, 2023 | Melbourne

The Committee for Sydney in conversation with Jainey Bavishi, Director of the NYC’s Mayor’s Office of Climate Resiliency.

Like Sydney, and many major cities around the world, New York is grappling with the challenge of rising coastal hazards, increasing rainfall, and longer and more dangerous heat waves – risks that are being exacerbated by climate change. In response, the New York City Mayor’s Office has developed a US$20 billion program to make much needed changes to the city’s built environment—and its sense of community.

Supported by a panel of climate change academics and practitioners, and in partnership with the Federal Government, New York’s vision is to create a more resilient and equitable city – ensuring a vibrant city for New Yorkers today and generations ahead.

Jainey Bavishi is the Director of the NYC Mayor’s Office of Climate Resiliency. She oversees an ambitious mission of science-based analysis, policy and program development and capacity building to ensure that New York City is ready to withstand and emerge stronger from the multiple impacts of climate change in the near – and long-term. Jainey will share insights on the big challenges that New York is facing up to, and the approaches they are taking to do so – from the big infrastructure to the small-scale community focussed adaptive responses – and will share some of the successes and challenges that they are having along the way. She was joined in conversation by Beck Dawson, Resilient Sydney’s Chief Resilience Officer. (Recorded 18 August 2021).

