Embedding Resilience to Climate Change
The responsibilities of councils across Australia vary across the states and territories, reflecting their different legislative and regulatory frameworks. As a result, Australian local governments are characterised by a high degree of diversity in terms of their functions and revenue bases.
Despite these variations in local government, a common and significant challenge exists in understanding and managing complex, uncertain and changing climatic conditions. As key asset owners, service providers and decision-makers, understanding how and when to adapt to potential increased risks from climate change is essential. Decision-makers need methodologies to determine if, when and how assets, services and communities will be impacted.
While there exists a number of useful resources for undertaking climate risk assessment and adaptation planning, to date there has been a gap in practical guidance for embedding, mainstreaming or systematising (referred to collectively as ‘embedding’) climate risk planning into council business. In recognition of this gap, ACELG in consultation with key stakeholders determined that a guidance manual that includes real-life practical examples of embedding activities would enable a ‘step change’ in how climate risk is being addressed within local government.