Mount Alexander Is a Power Partner Participating in the Cities Power Partnership network is one of the key ways that we will achieve our goal of zero net emissions by 2025. We are proud to be working with other councils to lead the way and show what can be achieved at...
Is a Power Partner Partnership Action Pledge Our power partners are committed to switching to non-polluting energy and reducing emissions in their communities. Power Partners have six months to choose their pledge items. Come back soon to see which exciting pledges...
Benalla Is a Power Partner Benalla Rural City’s capacity to adapt to potential changes in climate relies on planning and investing in changes to how we all live. Being prepared for climate change reduces our vulnerability and risk as a community. We are committed to...
City of Ballarat Is a Power Partner Council has selected the following climate pledges Set city-level renewable energy or emissions reduction targets. Install renewable energy (solar PV and battery storage) on council buildings. Power council operations by renewable...
Bassendean Town Council Is a Power Partner Mayor Renée McLennan Partnership Action Pledge Our power partners are committed to switching to non-polluting energy and reducing emissions in their communities. Renewable Energy Install renewable energy (solar PV and...