Climate Summit for Local Government

Sept 6-8, 2023 | Melbourne

MidCoast Council's climate and sustainability commitments

MidCoast Council is part of the Cities Power Partnership, Australia's largest network of councils leading the way to a sustainable future

  • Traditional Owners Gathang-speaking people from Biripi and Worimi Country
  • Member since 2019
  • Population 95,209
Feature_icon_2 / Solar Energy


renewable energy for community by 2040

Our journey

What Council has achieved in the past in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport or broader sustainability

– Prepared a Climate Change Policy & Strategy focusing on climate change mitigation and adaptation

– Adopted net zero emissions & 100% renewable energy targets by 2040

– Participation in the NSW Sustainability Advantage & Sustainable Choice Programs

– Subscription to Azility to monitor Council’s energy and water consumption & carbon emissions

– Undertaken energy audits & prepared energy management plans for major facilities

– Installed over 400kW of solar panels on public buildings including the administration centre, aquatic centres, works depot, waste transfer stations, entertainment centre, art gallery, airport and water supply and wastewater treatment facilities

– Implemented various energy efficiency measures such as LED & T5 lighting retrofits, replacing electric hot water systems with heat pumps, HVAC upgrades, motion sensor lighting & timers, power factor correction

– Installed a pre-heat solar boosted hot water system, energy efficient lighting, glass partitioning, air curtains & pool blankets at the Manning Aquatic Leisure Centre

– Undertaken carbon sequestration activities including coastal wetland acquisition & restoration, and broad scale revegetation projects on Council land

– Completed the first stage of a LED street lighting retrofit program with around 6,000 street lights retrofitted to date

– Undertook a Carbon Emissions Baseline Profile for the MidCoast community in 2018

– Implemented Waste Recycling, Reduction & Reuse Programs and adopted a 75% waste to landfill diversion target

What council hopes to achieve in the future in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport or broader sustainability

– Focus on increasing solar PV and batteries, energy efficiency and the purchase of renewables in the short to medium term; progressively increase its renewable energy supply as batteries and electric vehicles become more affordable; continually improve sustainable procurement policies and practices; reduce waste to landfill; and continue to invest in wetland restoration and tree plantings that sequester carbon and improve the region’s biodiversity.

– Provide a roadmap of actions that Council can initiate and progress in the short, medium and long term that respond to the risks of climate change that are considered to have the greatest potential impact on Council’s operations and the safety and wellbeing of the community.

– Develop a Sustainability Framework for Council’s operations, with particular consideration of how the Climate Change Strategy can improve Council’s environmental performance by aligning with key strategies and plans across all sustainability-focused areas, including Council’s Resourcing Strategy and its Delivery Program and Operational Plans.

What council hopes to gain from being a member of the Cities Power Partnership

By becoming a member of the Cities Power Partnership, MidCoast Council is hoping to access to a significant source of knowledge and resources on climate change, and gain the support and learnings from other councils and government agencies who have been successful in developing innovative solutions to tackle climate change.

In the news

Media Release

Enough is enough: Flood affected mayors and councillors call for more support

24 Mar 2022
Thirty-one mayors and councillors from some of the most flood damaged regions have called on the government to do more to protect communities.

Hunter region councils commit to climate

12 Jun 2021
The Hunter is committed to collaboratively tackling shared challenges of changing global energy markets and climate change impacts.
Media Release

Mayors and councillors stand together in climate call

04 Mar 2021
Seventeen mayors and councillors have called on the government to recognise the spiralling costs to communities from climate-fuelled extreme weather.

Join now and be part of the groundswell of local governments and communities across Australia tackling climate change.