Our journey
Kiama Municipal Council has a long and continuing history of implementing programs and projects that aim to reduce both Council and our community’s energy and water consumption, and waste production.
Council’s initiatives include large regional community-based education, and behaviour change and awareness projects such as the Sustainable Illawarra Project, and the Illawarra Biodiversity and Local Food Strategy for Climate Change.
We recently completed the rollout of our OK Organics waste collection service. The service collects combined food and garden organics waste created by urban households for processing into compost. The compost is then offered back to residents for free for use on their gardens. Council has also conducted initiatives to reduce water and energy consumption at its facilities such as the Kiama Leisure Centre and our Administration Centre that include; energy efficiency upgrades, solar power installations and water meter monitoring.
Council aims to continue to implement energy saving projects and to invest in renewable energy projects for our facilities. We will continue to strive to give our community every opportunity to participate in reducing the impact we have on our environment. To do so, we will continue to work with residents of our municipality to; ensure the ongoing success of our OK Organics waste collection service; to raise awareness of, and education on, sustainable living initiatives and environmental issues.
Kiama Council is supporting the CPP and joining other like-minded Councils and organisations to access and share information on sustainable living, renewable energy and to take collective action to support a better way of operating. Local government plays an important role in providing information to its’ community and acting as a conduit for messages and requests from the community. The Climate Council CPP will play an important role in connecting our community and others to information and actions so that we can make a difference for future generations.