Our journey
What has Council achieved in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport or broader sustainability in the past?
Hepburn Shire Council has completed several programs to reduce net emissions to date. These include street lighting upgrades, installation of rooftop solar PV, implementing building energy efficiency upgrades and allocating community energy efficiency grants. Council has adopted its own “Towards Zero Emissions Roadmap”, which is a plan for reaching net emissions neutrality due to Council operations by 2021. Council is a strong supporter of community-led programs and has worked hard to develop relationships with community groups in the Shire.
What does Council hope to achieve in the future in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport or broader sustainability?
Hepburn Shire Council will continue undertaking emission reduction actions with the intention of achieving net carbon neutrality due to operations by 2021, as outlined in the Towards Zero Emissions Roadmap. Council supported, community-led programs such as Hepburn Solar Bulk Buy (HSBB) and Z-Net are currently taking place within the Shire, which will assist in the transition towards zero net emissions. Council aims to continue supporting emission reductions through best practice programs and technologies.
What does Council hope to gain from being a member of the Cities Power Partnership?
Joining Cities Power Partnership will assist in strengthening relationships and increasing collaboration with other Councils and regions. This will allow Hepburn Shire Council to participate in a forum where the knowledge, experience and resources of all members can be leveraged to achieve the best possible outcomes.