Climate Summit for Local Government

Sept 6-8, 2023 | Melbourne

City of Bunbury's climate and sustainability commitments

City of Bunbury is part of the Cities Power Partnership, Australia's largest network of councils leading the way to a sustainable future

  • Traditional Owners Wardandi Noongar People
  • Member since 2017
  • Population 31,508

Our journey

What council has achieved in the past

The City of Bunbury previously completed the ICLEI Cities for Climate Protection program and in doing so has set emissions reduction targets and prepared and commenced the implementation of a greenhouse gas reduction strategy.  Some of the key mitigation initiatives that the City has undertaken include:

  • the installation of solar heat exchangers on the City’s recreation centre, the South West Sports Centre, to minimise gas usage in heating the swimming pools (N.B. the City’s largest single source of gas usage)
  • ongoing improvements to the efficiency of the City’s vehicle fleet
  • introduction of a greenwaste recycling program, which supports reductions in landfill gas emissions at the City’s landfill site
  • installation of solar lighting in a range of parks, road reserves and car parks across the City

What council hopes to achieve in the future

In participating in the program, the City seeks to support the continual implementation and improvement of its climate change mitigation program in contributing to international efforts to reduce the impact of climate change in the future.

What council hopes to gain from being a member

The City of Bunbury looks forward to participating in the Cities Power Partnership as it will provide an opportunity to reaffirm the City’s commitment to climate change mitigation, promote strong working relationships with other local governments and assist in celebrating the achievements of the local government sector in relation to climate change mitigation


Council has committed to the following Cities Power Partnership pledges:

Sustainable Transport
Encourage sustainable transport use such as public transport, walking and cycling through council transport planning and design.
Lobby state and federal governments to increase sustainable transport options
Work Together and Influence
Set city-level renewable energy or emissions reduction targets.
Set up meetings and attend events to work with other cities on tackling climate change.
Develop education and behaviour-change programs to support local residents and businesses to tackle climate change through clean energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport.

In the news

Media Release

Western Australian councils work together for a renewable future

23 Nov 2021
More than 40 council representatives will gather to discuss opportunities to work together to achieve emissions reduction across WA.

Join now and be part of the groundswell of local governments and communities across Australia tackling climate change.