Our journey
What council has achieved in the past in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport or broader sustainability
The Borough of Queenscliffe has a long history of taking action to minimize our impact on the environment and protect our natural landscapes. Council’s emissions data for 2018-19 saw another fall in our emissions, adding up to a reduction of 34.5% in the last four years. We’ve achieved this through a range of programs from replacing every council street light with energy-efficient lighting, to organising a solar panel bulk buy for residents. This is a substantial reduction in such a short period of time, and our environmental team are constantly on the lookout for ways to reduce this number even further.
What council hopes to achieve in the future in energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport or broader sustainability
Future responses to climate change need to grow beyond Council and include our whole community. This year, our residents let us know that they wanted us to place an even greater priority on this work, and Council responded by declaring a climate emergency. Council is in the process of developing an engagement plan that will allow members from across our community to share their ideas on how we can reduce emissions. We’re looking forward to working with residents to set goals for this next stage in our journey to becoming a more climate-friendly community.
What council hopes to gain from being a member of the Cities Power Partnership
Partnerships of all kinds multiply the impact we can make in responding to climate change. Whether it’s the sharing of ideas and best practise with our local residents or with other councils across Victoria, programs like the Cities Power Partnership are a great way for a small community like the Borough to have a big impact on sustainability.