Northern Beaches Council is partnering with the Climate Council to take action on climate adaption and mitigation initiatives.
Mayor Michael Regan said the Cities Power Partnership would recognise the environmental sustainability initiatives that Council is already delivering, including those that reduce the impact of climate change.
‘The Northern Beaches community is saying loud and clear that climate change is an important issue.
‘By joining this partnership, Council demonstrates our ongoing commitment to real action to mitigate and adapt to climate change and deliver on the aspiration in our draft Community Strategic Plan to show real leadership in environmental sustainability.
‘It also increases our focus on reducing Council’s and the community’s water and energy use, producing additional economic benefits as well by reducing costs to Council and individual households and businesses,’ Mayor Regan said.
The partnership requires Council to select five pledges it will deliver to take action on areas such as renewable energy use, energy efficiency, sustainable transport initiatives and advocacy. The pledges will be selected over the next six months in consultation with stakeholders.
Membership of the Cities Power Partnership is free.
This article first appeared in Public Now on 2 November 2017