Climate Summit for Local Government

Sept 6-8, 2023 | Melbourne

This article originally appeared here in The Greens Online,

Yesterday’s detailed Climate Council report shows Local Government leading the charge on climate change, despite repeated attacks from the Coalition Government. This report is proof that Local Government is uniquely placed to understand the threat climate change poses to their area.

An effective local response to greenhouse gas emissions, coastal retreat and energy policy is essential if we are to tackle climate change effectively. It’s well past time the State Government supported leadership on this issue with solid legislative mechanisms.

Greens MP and Local Government Spokesperson David Shoebridge said:

“This report shows local councils have the connections with local environment and community necessary to deliver effective action on climate change.

“With Federal and State Governments controlled by climate deniers, it is extraordinary that one in five councils surveyed across Australia are aiming for “100% renewable energy” or “zero emissions”.

“Rather than constantly attacking local democracy with forced amalgamations and rate caps we must support local councils to take crucial climate action.

“The Greens have a plan to build on the good work done by councils to date to encourage and support local government action on climate change.

“This would see Local Councils engaged in preparing and delivering Climate Change Action Plans at four-year intervals, with the first plan due by the end of December 2019.

“This is a measurable, achievable and effective way for Local Councils to do their part in meeting broader emissions targets.

“State Government needs to become a partner with local councils to address climate change, not an opponent.

“We all live on the same planet, and all levels of Government need to do their bit to save our natural world.

It’s clear that Local Government is ready, if State and Federal Governments just get out of their way,” Mr Shoebridge said
