Climate Summit for Local Government

Sept 6-8, 2023 | Melbourne

For full ABC News online article click here

A group of local government councils are joining forces in an ambitious effort to tackle climate change.

They have been inspired by a new report from the Climate Council showing cities, urban centres and rural townships have the potential to slash energy emissions by a staggering 70 per cent.

At least 35 councils, representing around 3 million Australians, have already committed to the Cities Power Partnership, a Climate Council initiative to slash emissions at a local level.

Millions of local residents are already involved — from installing solar panels to taking action in their own backyards.

Climate Council chief executive Amanda McKenzie said local leadership was crucial and added in the absence of national action, we need to see more local action.

She said she was frustrated by policy inaction from Canberra.

“This has been exacerbated by rising electricity prices, caused by more expensive gas, and a lack of policy,” Ms Mackenzie said.

“So we think it’s really important from a number of different angles for there to be greater action to bring on more renewable energy, more storage systems, more energy efficiency, and local sustainable transport solutions.”
